Fuyu Persimmon, Fata Morgana, Shakerag, and Regalis Haskap Berry Preserve

Sustainably Farmed Food Shares for the week of
November 10, 2022



Vegan Share

Yellow Potatoes* • Red Onions* • Fennel* • Baby Turnips* • Poblano Peppers • Radicchio* • Fuyu Persimmons*

Vegetarian Share

Vegan Produce* • Fata Morgana

Omnivore Share

Vegan Produce* • Classic Italian Sausage • Fata Morgana

Omnivore Share Plus

Vegan Produce • Christiansen’s St. Louis Style Ribs** •  Fata Morgana

Paleo Share

Vegan Produce • Canyon Meadows Ranch Ground Chuck** • Christiansen’s Ground Lamb**• Christiansen’s Ground Chorizo** • Christiansen’s Ground Pork** • BK Family Farms Eggs**

Meat Only Share

Canyon Meadows Ranch Ground Chuck** • Christiansen’s Ground Lamb**• Christiansen’s Ground Chorizo** • Christiansen’s Ground Pork**

Add-ons and Upgrades


Specialty Grocery Add-on

Regalis Haskap Berry Preserves

Cheese Upgrade



Fruit Add-On

Locally Pressed Apple Cider**

Chocolate Add-on

Askinosie Intelligentsia Dark Chocolate and Coffee

Eggs Add-on

BK Family Farms Eggs**

Juice Add-on

In-House, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice*

Item Highlights


Fuyu Persimmon 

Fuyu Persimmons are lovely orange-colored tomato-shaped fruits. What makes this persimmon variety so wonderful is that they can be eaten hard or soft, unlike other varieties that are too astringent to be eaten hard. They are quite delicious as well with notes of honey, dates, and brown sugar. They can be served still crisp in salads or baked when ripe into great fall desserts. One of the few wonderful fruits that ripen late in fall and even through the winter!

Fata Morgana

Fata Morgana is a basket-shaped, rindless feta-style cheese. It is creamy yet crumbly. This cheese spends its days maturing in a whey brine until the flavors reveal hints of orange blossoms, vanilla, buttered popcorn, and tangerines. Traditional feta is only made with sheep’s milk or a blend of sheep and goat’s milk.  Since we’re using cow’s milk, we named our feta-style cheese,  Fata Morgana. The name is a reference to the ancient history behind this cheese. The name Fata Morgana comes from a Sicilian legend that surrounds an optical illusion that occurs over the nearby sea. When the weather conditions are right, the illusion gives the appearance of ships or buildings floating above the surface of the water.  This optical illusion is called the “Fata Morgana”.   According to Sicilian legend (brought to the area by the invading Bretons in the 11th century), Fata Morgana/Morgan la Fey, King Arthur’s sister, lives in a castle that floats above the water, near Mt. Etna on Sicily. King Arthur, while visiting his sister, lost his horse in a cave on the side of Mt. Etna.  This magical cave is also mentioned in Homer’s “The Odyssey.” It is the very same cave that the Odysseus encounters the Cyclops milking his sheep and making feta cheese. Our feta-style, cow’s milk cheese is named Fata Morgana with a strong nod to these ancient tales.


Shakerag Blue’s colorful name is derived from the beautiful Shakerag Hollow atop the Cumberland Plateau, famous for its wildflower trails and rich moonshining past. Legend goes that a thirsty individual could leave a white rag and money in a tree stump and find a jar of moonshine in its place upon returning.


An ode to all things Southern, Shakerag is a crumbly yet dense blue-veined cheese cloaked in local fig leaves which have been soaked in Chattanooga Whiskey, the first legal whiskey being distilled in the city since Prohibition. Its salty-sweet and fruity interior is reminiscent of root beer, and lends itself to more complex notes of savory bacon, dark chocolate, and tropical flavors towards the rind.

Regalis Haskap Berry Preserves

Haskap Berries are an edible blue honeysuckle berry. They are a strange-looking fruit; like an oblong blueberry. Each berry is made up of two berries wrapped in blue skin. Regalis, the maker of this preserve, describes their flavor as “raspberry sweetness, blueberry tartness, and lip puckering tannins.” You can use this like any other berry preserve. These berries are native to the northern hemisphere and one of the first things to ripen in the spring. A great way to get a taste of spring in the cold months ahead!

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