Pink Lady Apples, Maxorata, Gubbeen, Black Currant & Blackberry Jam

Sustainably Farmed Food Shares for the week of
January 12, 2023



Vegan Share

Napa Cabbage* • Pink Lady Apples* • Baby Turnips* • Carrots* • Broccoli Rabe* • Dino Kale* • Cilantro*

Vegetarian Share

Vegan Produce* • Maxorata

Omnivore Share

Vegan Produce* • D’Artagnan

Chicken Apple Sausage, • D’Artagnan Spanish Style Chorizo • Maxorata

Omnivore Share Plus

Vegan Produce • Christiansen’s Ground Lamb** • Canyon Meadows Ranch Ground Chuck** • Maxorata

Paleo Share

Vegan Produce • Canyon Meadows Ranch Skirt Steak** • Farmer’s Hen House*

Meat Only Share

Christiansen’s Lamb Chops**

Add-ons and Upgrades


Specialty Grocery Add-on

Black Currant and Blackberry Jam by Amour Spreads**

Cheese Upgrade


Fruit Add-On

Locally Pressed Apple Cider**

Chocolate Add-on

Diamantini al Cacao Butter Cookies

Eggs Add-on

Farmer’s Hen House*

Juice Add-on

In-House, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice*

Item Highlights

Pink Lady Apples

Pink Lady apples were born down under in the 1970s under the cultivar name Cripps Pink. A researcher named John Cripps, who worked for Western Australia’s Department of Agriculture, crossed the American classic Golden Delicious apple with a late-ripening and attractive red Australian apple called Lady Williams. The result: a beautifully vibrant pink-skinned apple with a unique flavor that would become a fan favorite around the world. Pink Lady made its way up to the USA in the late 1990s where Stemilt has been growing it ever since! This sweet-tart apple has high sugars and high acids with a crisp bite and effervescent finish. It tends to fall more towards the tart side than sweet but is oh so refreshing! It has a beautiful, bright white flesh that is slow to oxidize (in other words, slow to brown) making it a wonderful apple to entertain with.


The first cheese from the Canary Islands to obtain a DOP, Queso Majorero is made on the island of Fuerteventura. It gets its name from the indigenous Majorera goat, whose whole milk is used to make the cheese. One of their favorite food sources is marjoram, which contributes to a milk that is rich in butterfat and highly aromatic. An aging period of 60 days gives the cheese a compact, slightly elastic texture, while maintaining a creamy mouthfeel. It has a milky, buttery flavor with a pronounced tang in the finish. Pair with young, fruity reds like Beaujolais.


Gubbeen is made by Giana Ferguson and her team in County Cork in Ireland, at a spot where the Gulf Stream regularly comes into land from the Atlantic. The warmer, brighter weather means that grass arrives early in the year, and the herd can be put out to pasture sooner. Giana hails from a cheesemaking background, having helped her father make cheese in Spain before gaining experience in France. Her husband Tom is the sixth generation of Fergusons to have farmed at Gubbeen. This marriage of farming heritage, cheesemaking experience and distinct microclimate has made for a cheese which, in its reflection of people and place, is truly unique. ‘Microbacterium gubbeenense’ is an organism native to the farm, which influences Gubbeen’s texture and flavour, the growth of which is encouraged by regularly washing the cheeses in brine. The cheeses are turned once a week while they are maturing deepening the flavor and softening the paste to create a texture that is bouncy, unctuous and smooth.

Black Currant & Blackberry Jam by Amour Spreads

Amour Spreads is a jam company founded in our very own Salt Lake City! John and Casey were the husband and wife duo behind the recipes of jams and preserves that we love! They use only fresh fruit harvested locally and from some of the best farms in the country to make their premium jam flavors. In 2020, they developed a cafe near Liberty Park that never fully opened due to Covid. In 2021, the cafe and jam ownership changed hands, changing the cafe’s name to Picnic but keeping the name Amour Jams with the same authentic jam flavors and fruit sourcing. We love supporting and sharing Amour Jams with our customers and hope you enjoy their unique flavor combinations as much as we do!

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