Arkansas Black Apples, Mas Des Bories Olive Oil, Cabot Clothbound Cheddar, & Haxaire Munster

Sustainably Farmed Food Shares for the week of
December 8, 2022



Vegan Share

Arkansas Black Apples* • Cauliflower* • Shallots* • Baby Turnips* • Brussel Sprouts* •Green Kale* • Cilantro*

Vegetarian Share

Vegan Produce* • Cabot Black Label Cheddar

Omnivore Share

Vegan Produce* • Lamb Stew Cuts •  Cabot Black Label Cheddar

Omnivore Share Plus

Vegan Produce • Ranchera  •  Cabot Black Label Cheddar

Paleo Share

Vegan Produce • New York Steak• BK Family Farms Eggs*

Meat Only Share

T-Bone Steak

Add-ons and Upgrades


Specialty Grocery Add-on

 Bouteillan EVOO Mas Des Bories

Cheese Upgrade

Cheese Upgrade

Haxaire Munster

Fruit Add-On

Bosc Pears and Navel Oranges

Chocolate Add-on

Ritual Pine Nut Chocolate 55% Cacao

Eggs Add-on

BK Family Farms Eggs**

Juice Add-on

In-House, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice*

Item Highlights

Arkansas Black Apples 

Arkansas Black Apples are a magnificent dark red purple apple. This apple has an impressive storage life from two to four months where the flavor develops to a range of complexities. Arkansas Black apples have notes of honey, vanilla, almond and cinnamon. They were once prized in the top apple-producing state of Arkansas in the 20th century and received international praise. Nowadays they have become rare in the market.  Along with their edible qualities these apple trees are very disease resistant and heat tolerant.  Luckily the many many values of this apple are known, they are on the Slow Foods Ark of Taste list.“The Ark of Taste is a living catalog of delicious and distinctive foods facing extinction. By identifying and championing these foods, we keep them in production and on our plates.” We believe this is an important fruit that deserves to prosper and be enjoyed by many. Check out the Slow Foods Ark Catalog to find more endangered foods and more history on the Arkansas Balck Apple. 


Bouteillan EVOO Mas Des Bories


Mas Des Bories olive oil is produced on their orchard in the hills of Salon de Provence in which the entire process is protected on the the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) “Olive oil from Provence”. The Bouteillan olive varietal produces an oil that provides a beautiful freshness in the mouth, with herbaceous or floral aromas, and some peppery notes. The most aromatic of our monovarietal oils! These olives are 100% cultivated and harvested from the 500 Bouteillan olive trees of the Mas Des Bories estate all of which are native trees of Provence. Liberty Heights Fresh is an exclusive retailer of this deliciously high quality Provence extra virgin olive oil, meaning you can’t find it anywhere else in Utah!

Cabot Clothbound Cheddar Black Label

Clothbound is an approachable but complex natural-rind, bandaged cheddar with a crumbly texture and nutty aroma. The flavor is deeply savory and slightly tangy with caramel sweetness to the finish.Black-Label designation is reserved for batches which present the finest representation of the full potential of their award-winning cheddar. This cheddar is crafted with pasteurized cow’s milk with a traditional rennet and aged for 9-14 months. Made in Vermont,


Haxaire Munster

French Munster Cheese is the defining cheese of the Alsace region of Northeastern France. When ripe this cheese is soft and rich, with a deep umami flavor like beef, roasted peanuts, onions, butter and straw. It is funky, and wonderfully so. This cheese is great with a beer. Haxaire Munster is crafted in France. Made from pasteurized cow’s milk, a washed rind, and a traditional rennet. 




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