Rainbow Carrots, Pecorino Romano, Pirano Aglianico, 60% Dark Chocolate with Black Pepper, & Odds and Ends Pasta

Sustainably Farmed Food Shares
January 24, 2024



Vegan Share

Rainbow Carrots* • Cucumbers* • Purple Potatoes* • Red Onions* • Persian Limes* • Green Beans* • Curly Kale*

Vegetarian Share

Vegan Produce* • Pecorino Romano Fulvi

Omnivore Share

Vegan Produce* • Christiansen’s Pork Chop** • Pecorino Romano Fulvi

Omnivore Share Plus

Vegan Produce • Christensen’s Ground Lamb** • Pecorino Romano Fulvi

Paleo Share

Vegan Produce • Christiansen’s Boneless Pork Shoulder* • Chino Valley Eggs

Meat Only Share

Canyon Meadow’s Beef Short Ribs**

Add-ons and Upgrades


Specialty Grocery Add-on

Marella Odds and Ends Pasta

Cheese Upgrade

Pirano Aglianico

Fruit Add-On

Kumquats*+ Avocado*

Chocolate Add-on

Madhu 60% Dark Chocolate with Idukki Black Pepper

Eggs Add-on

Chino Valley Eggs*

Juice Add-on

In-House, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice*

*  = Organic

** = Locally sourced

Item Highlights

Rainbow Carrots

Contrary to popular belief orange has not always been a carrot’s most common color. In fact it is believed by some scholars that orange carrots hardly existed except as a genetic fluke prior to the 16th century and were instead purple, white, yellow, and red. They have been cultivated in the Afghanistan region for 5,000 years. The signature orange color came about when the Dutch utilized selective breeding processes in the 17th century to produce a sweeter variety.

Carrots are abundant in beta-carotene, antioxidants, vitamins K and C, fiber, and potassium. With their endless versatility carrots are utilized in a wide array of cuisines and can be eaten raw, juiced, boiled in soups, roasted, stir fried, and pickled.

Pecorino Romano Fulvi

Pecorino Romano Fulvi is an ancient sheep’s milk cheese made in the countryside of Rome. Writings that date back to the 1st Century BCE mention this cheese as part of the Roman Legions daily rations, and considered pivotal for a soldier’s wellbeing. It is one of the last remaining pecorinos produced around Rome, most these days are from Sardinia. What sets this pecorino apart is the higher butterfat content, giving a creamier, less dry and salty flavor than others. Aged 10-12 months, it is bold and assertive with a dense cake-like texture. Pecorino Romano Fulvi is perfect as a table cheese or grated over pasta and salads.

Pirano Aglianico

The rind of this semi-hard buffalo milk cheese has been washed with Aglianico wine, making it a unique treat with a balance of umami and fruity sweetness. Pirano is produced in the Campania region of Italy. The aromatic notes are complex, leaning lactic and vegetal; the texture is a touch grainy with a pleasant crystalline crunch. Aglianico wine is considered one of the oldest varieties in the world, though its origins are hotly debated. Pliny the Elder wrote of Aglianico, describing wines made from it as the best in antiquity.

Marella Odds and Ends Pasta

This kaleidoscopic pasta goody bag is full of varieties made from 100% Italian wheat and slow dried over seventy-two hours. The visually appealing colors are enhanced naturally with things like beets, turmeric, and spirulina. These are put together after weighing out and packaging each individual pasta, leaving leftover “odds and ends.” There’s a little something for everyone in each bag. No need to do anything fancy, just finish with your favorite sauce and a grating of fresh parm.

Madhu 60% Dark Chocolate with Idukki Black Pepper

Madhu Chocolate is an Austin, Texas based company born from a desire to fuse traditional Indian flavors with quality chocolate. Cacao is sourced from the Tumaco region of Colombia and the Idukki Hills region in India. The greatest inspiration for these chocolates comes from owner Harshit’s mother and her inventive recipes. Each bar is meticulously produced, then hand wrapped in packaging inspired by Indian textiles. This particular treat is flavored with Diaspora Co. single origin black pepper which adds complex, savory notes for a truly unique chocolate experience.

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