Rainier Cherries, Saulnois, White Heart, Mustard de Meaux

Sustainably Farmed Food Shares for the week of
July 26, 2023



Vegan Share

Red Cabbage* • Bunched Carrots* • Broccoli Rabe* • Yellow Beans* • Green Kale* • Rainier Cherries* • Sweet Cherry Tomatoes*

Vegetarian Share

Vegan Produce* • Saulnois

Omnivore Share

Vegan Produce* • Canyon Meadow’s Rump Roast** • Saulnois

Omnivore Share Plus

Vegan Produce • Canyon Meadow’s Chuck Roast** •  Saulnois

Paleo Share

Vegan Produce • Canyon Meadow’s Skirt Steak** • BK Family Farms Eggs**

Meat Only Share

Christensen’s Pork Shoulder**

Add-ons and Upgrades


Specialty Grocery Add-on

Mustard de Meaux by Mustard Pommery

Cheese Upgrade

White Heart by Jasper Hill

Fruit Add-On

Honeydew Melon* • Blackberries*

Chocolate Add-on

Askinosie Zamora 72% Dark Chocolate

Eggs Add-on

BK Family Farms Eggs**

Juice Add-on

In-House, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice*

Item Highlights

Rainier Cherries

Rainier cherries are a larger variety, the flesh is yellow to cream-colored, sometimes featuring red streaks near the seed, and has a semi-firm, plump, tender, and aqueous consistency, encasing a central light brown pit. Rainier cherries contain low acidity and have one of the highest sugar contents of sweet cherry varieties. The fruits have a delicately floral, sweet flavor with notes of peaches and a caramel-like finish on the palate.


Saulnois is a unique cheese hailing from the Lorraine region of France and belongs to the list of French cheeses aged by famed affineur Rodolphe Le Meunier. Saulnois is a raw cow’s milk cheese soaked in Marc de Mirabelle, a local golden plum brandy which imparts a fruity flavor enhanced by warm, rich undertones. Similar to alpine cheeses like Comte in its size and style, Saulnois boasts a slightly more salty and buttery flavor.

White Heart

A Special Edition natural rind raw milk tomme, this decadent creation from Jasper Hill in Vermont aged to perfection. This causes textures around the rind which are supple with a mushroomy flavor. Closer to the core of the paste, the texture becomes chalkier and dense. The natural rind shows beautiful mottling with undertones of warm, washy hues. New batches have a stable texture with subtler citrus notes.

Mustard de Meaux 

J.B. Pommery began making Meaux Mustard using a secret technique that has been passed on to him by the Chanoines. Alongside his mustard company, J.B. Pommery also operated a millstone quarry, which ensured that the raw mustard grains that were used were of the highest quality. The flavor of the mustard was a huge hit from the time it was introduced and production had to be expanded quickly to meet the demand. By 1890, the Pommery family was the only mustard makers left in the region. Its carefully chosen ingredients, its slightly spicy flavour, its legendary mildness, contribute to making it a refined mustard that is now appreciated by the finest gourmets around the world.

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