Zollinger’s Apple Cider, Valserena Parmigiano, Perlagrigia, & Goat Milk Caramel

Sustainably Farmed Food Shares for the week of
October 19, 2023



Vegan Share

Russet Potatoes* • Red Cabbage* • Red Onions* • Mixed Sweet Peppers* • Romaine Lettuce* • Italian Parsley* • Apple Cider**

Vegetarian Share

Vegan Produce* • Valserena Parmigiano Reggiano

Omnivore Share

Vegan Produce* • Christensen’s Ground Lamb** • Valserena Parmigiano Reggiano

Omnivore Share Plus

Vegan Produce • Canyon Meadow’s Chuck Roast** • Valserena Parmigiano Reggiano

Paleo Share

Vegan Produce • Canyon Meadows Ranch Hanger Steak** • BK Family Farms Eggs**

Meat Only Share

Canyon Meadow’s Ribeye Steaks**

Add-ons and Upgrades


Specialty Grocery Add-on

Goat Milk Caramel by Fat Toad Farm

Cheese Upgrade


Perlagrigia by La Casearia

Fruit Add-On

Strawberries* + Bartlett Pears

Chocolate Add-on

Eclat Coffee & Cardamom 54% Chocolate

Eggs Add-on

BK Family Farms Eggs**

Juice Add-on

In-House, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice*

Item Highlights

Zollinger’s Fresh Apple Cider

Zollinger family farm has been operating out of Logan, UT for the last 120 years. Zollingers was one of the first commercial fruit orchards in the Cache Valley. Known mainly for their fresh apple cider—a tradition passed down from generation to generation in our family. Cider is fresh apple juice: no pasteurization, no additives, just juice. They use a combination of the perfect Mcintosh, Cartland, Gala, Honeycrisp, & Jonagold apples. This cider is only available from mid-september – late-november, a true fall-time treat.

Valserena Parmigiano Reggiano

The oldest Parmigiano Reggiano dairy in Parma and one of only four members of the Consorzio di Sola Bruna (Brown Cow Consortium). Valserena is a 5th generation producer operated today by Giovanni Serra and his sister Antoinetta, a veterinarian and knows each cow by name. Valserena is one of the last farmstead producers of this PDO cheese, meaning they grow the feed, raise the animals, and make these cheese all at their farm. Parmigiano Reggiano made with brown cow (Bruna Alpina) milk isn’t too far a cry from its Red cow and Fresian brethren, but for true afficiandos the difference is palpable: a bit sweeter with a very delicate complexity. Valserena’s variation on the classic ingredient cheese is perfect to be highlighted in a simple risotto or grated liberally over pasta.


Made just outside of Venice, this cow’s milk cheese is aged for just one month. A young, fresh tasting cheese, Perlagrigia contains flakes of the prized black truffle. After being carefully washed, it is rubbed with extra virgin olive oil infused with natural truffle flavor. The Italian phrase “Sotto Cenere” means “under ash,” indicating that this semi-soft cheese is covered in ash to preserve its flavors. An incredible, milky cheese that brings a ‘wow’ factor to any party.

Goat Milk Caramel by Fat Toad Farms

Since 2007, Fat Toad Farm has worked to perfect the art of goat’s milk caramel making, focusing on traditional cooking methods and using a small number of fresh, simple, all-natural ingredients. Starting out as an experiment in homesteading and hand milking a French Alpine doe named Jupiter in their garage, Fat Toad Farm began its production sourcing all of their milk from our own herd of dairy goats. Their velvety goat’s milk caramel sauces (Cajeta) combine creamy caramel richness with the subtle tang of goat’s milk to create an utterly unique, not-too-sweet dessert sauce perfectly paired with ice cream, fruit, and cheeses.

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